Prior to her sold out headline show in Glasgow’s Audio, I caught up with one of the most exciting artists on the music scene right now, Bronnie.
We discuss all things Bronnie and a little insight to her already amazing career that’s set to hit the highest heights.
1. Lets start with a little intro, tell the readers who you are and a little bit about Bronnie.
Yeah so I'm Bronnie, I'm an artist from the Wirral just outside Liverpool - lets face it no one has ever heard of the Wirral have they so lets say near Liverpool. I sing, write and play pop punk music and I host my own radio show, The Bronnie Show. That's the story of Bronnie.
2. So you are back in Glasgow again so soon after a recent show with Area 11, what's it like to be back?
It's so great, I love Scotland, Glasgow is always such a fun show - last year on my Love Letters and Hate Mail tour Glasgow was the last show on that tour and again on this run before festivals Glasgow is the last again so it's always a special time here, they're always so loud in Glasgow.
3. What has the reaction been to I Kissed a Girl cover?
It has been ace so far - basically my fans bullied me into releasing this, we kind of did it for fun to start with and then we just liked to take a pop song and turn it pop punk and we did it with this song and everyone was like oh my god this needs to be released - with there being no other pop punk covers out there I was like yeah lets do it while I prepare my own singles. So yeah everyone is loving it.
4. TikTok has become a big platform for yourself, do you see this as the future for music as more and more bands are using it?
TikTok is great because you never really know what video can go viral and that adds to the excitement of what you do I guess. It can gain you so many more fans and build a good community - I find with Tiktok the algorithm is so good say if you’re on pop punk or emo Tiktok you find out so many other bands and artists through that so I think yeah for sure its a very good thing, especially for bands looking to be found.
5. Festival season is now upon on and you have been added to a good few bills, is there any you're most looking forward to?
Yeah absolutely, Y-Not Festival, the day I play is the day after my birthday - we play the 28th of July so I cant be hungover from my birthday so it might have to be a quiet one but I will be celebrating afterwards for sure but very excited for that festival.
6. It has been 6 years since you released Social Rejex, do you have a favourite song from that EP you prefer most?
It's a hard one because the EP is only 3 songs - High School Sucks is one of the first songs I remember ever writing, I wrote it in my drama A Level exam, failed it so that's always a funny one to look back on I love that for the story. Social Rejex we always used to play that one last and that's always been a fan favourite but also Imaginary Friend, lots of fans connect to this and have their own tattoo's for it so all the songs mean so much to me in different ways so it's a hard one to choose, I just love them all.
7. Do you have a dream collab?
I've always said Kellin Quinn... so yeah I announced at my Manchester show but I will be doing a collab with Kellin Quinn from Sleeping With Sirens very soon. I think that will be arround June time, it's so cool because every interview that I do I always mention him so I feel like I've just manifested it my accident. I'd also love to collab with Mark Hoppus from Blink 182, I'll manifest that one next.
8. What is the rest of the year looking like?
It's looking very busy, a lot of things we still can't announce as yet but there will be lots of songs for sure and new music videos. I have so many festivals to look forward to and I'm working on a headline tour for the end of the year. I also have another support slot confirmed for September that will be announced. Very exciting things coming, just very very busy.
9. I like to add this for some added pressure and to put you on the spot, what's your favourite biscuit and why?
Oh my god, okay - it has got to be McVitties caramel hobnobs, the ones with the caramel inside? I love those because it’s like a double whammy it’s just so good.