"Sewn Up", The Funk-Heavy New Release From SPEAK EASY CIRCUS Is Out Now

Published on 8 December 2021 at 19:02



Written in honour of a favourite pair of jeans and the story of how they got ripped but eventually sewed back together, ‘Sewn Up’ is unique in many ways, even in the vibrant indie music scene.


Heavy on the horns and full tilt on the funk, the latest single coming out of Speak Easy Circus is nothing but exciting. Opening with trumpet echoes, which are then followed up by anecdotes of everything that revolves around sewing, it is a fun adventure straight from the start.


The story of the song is really the story of my favourite pair of jeans, that ripped and left me heartbroken, until I watched a YouTube video to teach myself how to sew,the band explained.


From then on, instead of throwing clothes away I started to clumsily stitch them up. It made me think of all the previous clothes I had thrown out. Why didn’t we fix more things? Why weren’t we taught to sew at school? Why was sewing seen as feminine? It seemed to me there were no downsides.”



If their latest release doesn’t already reel you in to their wave of creative new sound, there is plenty to listen to from their previous musical endeavours. Speak Easy Circus are an experimental indie/funk posse from the East End of Glasgow.


Their chaotic crescendos and eclectic overtures, a celebration of the strange and the new, are a circus of tongue in cheek attitude and unpredictability. And ‘Sewn Up’ is no different. 







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