Let’s throw our geographical dart at Glasgow. It’s an underrated place for music. Deacon Blue, Franz Ferdinand and Travis are all names that have cut their teeth in venues all across the city. But unlike the latter, NewTown aren’t quick to ponder “Why Does It Always Rain On Me?” as they step out onto the drizzle soaked streets to reveal their spacious and atmospheric brand of indie with ‘Sail Away’.
Three and half minutes of guitar laden glory is as optimistic as it is anthemic in this debut release. It seems tailor made for this summer’s festival stages but one could also picture it in montage infamy – blazing forth on Match of the Day for example. I can imagine goals flying into the top corners to this song.
My quick sprint to sporting metaphors aside, this track has its deeper meaning. Singer David James, (no, not the goalkeeper of Liverpool and Portsmouth fame) thoughtfully revealed all:
“This song is about what everybody else thinks of your relationship. It’s about knowing some things are bad for you but you keep going back despite what others might think. It’s the acceptance that you know it’s not good for your mental health but love triumphs over all other feelings. It’s about seeing all the good and blocking out the bad.”
These really are poignant messages, and the song is a likely reflection into many listeners' lives. This track is a testament to what’s brewing at NewTown HQ and the kind of anthemic, relatable rock the four-piece are aiming to create.
The rest of this year has the potential to be a big one for the upcoming group. There’s a King Tut’s Summer Nights appearance to look forward to, and then a string of live shows. The icing on the cake is the news of more releases to come in the lead up to an EP on the horizon. It’s clear you’ll be hearing much from NewTown soon.
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