On a day of poignant reflection, enticing four-piece Reardon Love have returned with conviction, presenting ‘Purple Hearts’, an optimistic and stirring track with an important and relevant message.
‘Purple Hearts’ was aptly released today on November 11th – Remembrance Day – and beautifully fits the occasion with a tribute to the fallen heroes of the Great War, and the coinciding UK tour, where the band are traversing across the country to welcome a growing and eager fanbase.
The Purple Heart is a medal awarded in the name of the President of the United States to recognise the gallantry of those who lost their lives whilst serving during the conflict.
Despite its uplifting vibe, the song offers a far deeper meaning; on the annual day of Remembrance, it is important to set aside a moment for thoughtful consideration, remembering those who lost their lives for our freedom.
The song commences with a hearty guitar riff that precedes a buoyant lead performance from frontman Matt Fletcher, who spins the tale excellently as he draws you in with convincing, flowing vocals that leave you captivated by the depth of the song.
Towards the latter end of the piece, a compelling bridge takes centre stage, with Fletcher passing the baton to a female voice to continue the message.
Deriving from the port city of Hull, Reardon Love relishes the opportunity to create music with a profound meaning woven to the core, something that is distinctive through the fresh release.

There is a clear juxtaposition regarding the song and the way that it is conveyed; the tone and atmosphere of the piece indeed emanates rousing positivity, but the candid message tells a different story entirely.
I think they pull the contrast off; the groovy indie track is eloquently constructed and reaffirms Reardon Love’s growing potential as a blossoming music outfit with an added element through the lyricism on show.
Reardon Love quite simply know how to make great music. The exemplary musical ability also to incorporate impactful meaning to what already stands as a cracking song leaves no doubt over their potential in the industry.
Catchy, authentic, compelling. Keep an ear at the ready for the next phase in Reardon Love’s musical journey.
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